Today... there is a good chance I am gonna hurt your feelings. I'm gonna tell you something that most are just to nice to say. See familiarity is something that's very comforting to us... and comfort breeds confidence which often breeds success. At some point though we're clinging simply to that comfort. We get lazy. We get stuck in a rut and before you know it you've missed the present and the future is about to hit you with a hay-maker.
But its time we faced reality people. Its time to put your 30-30 away. Its time to put your 303 enfield away... and yes... its time to put your 30-06 away.
These are outdated curiosities. They are not proper modern hunting cartridges. There is literally nothing the 30-06 does that a 7mm mag doesn't do significantly better.
I'm not saying you should throw out your old guns. I'm not saying you should throw out your newer guns that are chambered in these. I'm saying you shouldn't be buying additional weapons in these, when there are better options available.
Compare a 7mm mag to a 30-06. Velocity wise you're looking at 200fps difference for common north american game sized bullets. At least in factory loads. And the 300 win mag? Well its not even close. I mean its a whole different sport practically. A 30-06 is pushing a 150 grain bullet around... oh... 2900 fps. A 7mm mag pushes that same bullet about 3100 fps. A 300 win mag throws a 165 grain bullet out at over 3200 fps.
Oh but it isn't fair says you! Those are magnums!
So what? The 30-06 is a long action round. Its practically the same size in terms of length as the 300 win mag. Sit them side by side and you would think they are extremely similar. But they aren't. Because one was designed in 1906... and the other was designed in 1963.
But that isn't even the most damning comparison. No... the absolute proof that the 30-06 is obsolete... is the 308.
30-06 performance... out a short action?
Why would you bother with a long action throw? Why does the 30-06 do so little... with so much case capacity?
Well... because it was designed in 1906. That's why.
Now... I know you're going to be upset... and you're going to come up with all kinds of reasons why your beloved 30-06 is still just as good as it ever was. Hey the 30-30 killed dear for over 100 years! and I know I know... most shots are taken from under 200 yards right? Its ok. Let it out.
Tell ya what... Keep your 30-06... and enjoy shooting it.
Just don't buy more.
They don't have 30-06 in cowboy action shooting. So I suppose you'll have to come up with some other excuse to live in the past.