Time to put the RT on the big road and let her roll. JAC and I are headed out this morning. I'll be meeting him later in Tupelo probably. From there... its either west through Texas and then north through Colorado to Wyoming to the Badlands.. or east through the North Georgia mountains and south to Keys.
I don't know where we're going.
I don't know when we'll be back.
The ATF show is off for at least this week. Watch the blog though as I will try to put up audio blogs from the road when I can.
Y'all have a good time in your cubicles.
OutlawX has some aluminum filled soil to show you. Plus its awesome.
I'm a Fort Worth native myself, its where the West begins, Dallas is just where the East peters out.
If you come to Houston I'll buy you dinner;
at this place,
You might already have my email address but here it is again anyway.
athor.pel at gmail dot com
... its either west through Texas and then north through Colorado to Wyoming to the Badlands..
I promise you Nate Don't come through Texas in August, Go north west. It is a bitch on a motorcycle this time a year. I don't care how tough you are you are not going ten miles to work and back. It is completely torture.
Awesome. Have fun, and if you come South through FL, stop in and I'll buy you a drink.
Outlaw... I've ridden through texas in august about 10 times. We know all about it.
when we are riding the texas heat we have specific gear we wear... these badass evaporative cooling vests go under our jackets. Honestly... it will freeze ya.
Nate would I correct to assume you were riding through Oklahoma into the Texas Panhandle where the dew point is conducive to evaporative cooling or were you riding through North Central Texas (Dallas/ Fort Worth Area). I grew up with only evaporative coolers only 70 miles north of Fort Worth.
It does help but you only start to get cold when the humidity is below 20%, Good luck with that.
The first air conditioners afforded by most here in the car was rolled up in the window where you poured Ice bags in them and they, blew in the car.
But if it works for you I am not going to argue just remember the dew point determines the effectiveness of evaporative cooling.
Look me up if you come through Colorado and have time to stop. I'm fixin to restock the humidor this weekend, so I'll put something extra in there. And there's a bottle of Breckenridge bourbon just wasting away in the liquor cabinet.
Breckenridge bourbon
Ok, I gotta ask, what the heck is Breckenridge bourbon?
Chardonnay mixed with Jack Daniels?
Nate, I don't know how the Wyoming leg is gonna work if its possible it'd be great to see ya this trip.
Breckenridge bourbon whiskey, from the Breckenridge distillery.
Bourbon whiskey does not have to be made in Kentuckey, or even in the South, to be called "bourbon"; it only has to be made in the USA using a particular specification for ingredients in the mash and distilled in a specific manner to be able to apply that label.
When we saw it in the liquor store, we thought it would add a little local flavor to our cabinet for out-of-state visitors; we stock some local Colorado wines for that reason, too.
"Y'all have a good time in your cubicles."
Not funny. Not funny at all.
That snake and Nate have something in common. They are both chickenshit.
Has it occurred to anyone else that Nate is going to Western South Dakota just in time to make the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally this year?
I'm not saying he's bought himself a hog, but I am wondern.
They're just going for the titties.
Has it occurred to anyone else that Nate is going to Western South Dakota just in time to make the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally this year?
I'm not saying he's bought himself a hog, but I am wondern.
I'd invite him to stop in if he did come this way, but I'm going to be in Minneapolis.
Is he going to the South Dakota Badlands?
You should've given me the log-in on blogtalkradio... I'd call up Outlaw and Waterboy and we'd do the show without you.
Thanks, but I have no voice for radio.
And truth be told, I haven't caught the show live once since you guys started doing it. I'm usually busy Friday night, so I have to catch the replay on Sunday.
Which is fine, because there's usually some good stuff after the end credits roll, anyway, and I wouldn't get to hear it live.
Vidad... is Nate holding a grudge from the last time that he left you in charge of the ATF show unsupervised?
And I believe that somebody around here is owed a prize...
Nate told me everyone that calls in gets a free bottle from his cabinet.
Have a great ride!
When you take a break here's some new hardware to look at:
Apparently dew point matters less at 115 mph. The vests work well enough that we sometimes take them off to warm up. We've ridden all over texas... Vega to Lubbock to Dallas Tyler.... Ok so not all over..butwe have covered the Central, North, and East bits.
What part of wyoming are you in?
Love those hoffbrau steaks, Outlaw!
Love those hoffbrau steaks, Outlaw!
Northern. If my guess is right you'll be pass'n by.
Nate, how do you feel about Wild Turkey 81?
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