Sunday, September 01, 2013

PSA: Springfield Armory Recall

Springfield has a recall up onsome 9mm and .45acp XD-S pistols.  XD and XD-M pistols are not effected.

Basically they are worried about accidental discharges.  There is a lot of info here.

Check your serial numbers and let me know if you have one and you're effected.


Outlaw X said...

Why do you want to know? Just curious? I have had a safety failure on an XD but it wasn't either of those. I don't trust it anymore. Bye Bye XD I could have hurt someone and after seeing them admitting this I already knew in the 40 Smith there was a problem with my gun.

Do not trust the XD's trigger and grip safety's. I'll never own another pistol without a flip safety.

I thought Mine was a fluke, seems now it is not.

Nate said...

I'm s springield guy? I want to know if anyone has more information about how its happening and why. I would also like to know if anyone has actually had one fire while releasing the slide.

nordicthunder said...

wasn't going to comment til seeing X's experience, Ive had XD 40 service model for approx 6 years.carried it for 3plus years, probably 3000 rounds total through it. no incidents of note. I'll take it to the range and see if I can duplicate this, guess the best lesson from this, ALWAYS have the weapon pointed downrange, ALWAYS

Huckleberry said...

I have an XD in .45, I've had it for years and I've put thousands of rounds through it.
I haven't experienced any of these issues, obviously, since I don't have an S, but I've also not had Outlaw's experiences either.
It is far and away my favorite pistol.
It's been my everyday carry pretty much as long as I've had it.

Lana said...

This may not answer your question since I'm still a simpleton on these issues. For what it's worth, my husband and I both have one of these recalled pistols, 45 and 9 respectively. We have been shooting them weekly, if not more, for about 2 months.

The firing pin is putting a very small dent, imprint (not sure what the right word is) on the edge of the primer on the cartridge when the slide is released. You have to really look close to see it though. It is that small.

My husband's opinion is that this may be occurring when people have magazines that they keep loaded and continue to chamber the top round as home defense precaution and readiness, but never rotate the ammo or fire the actual ammo in a particular magazine.

For instance, if you keep one magazine loaded with hollow points for home defense, but don't shoot those on the range. His theory is the repeated strike on the same primer when chambering a round eventually weakens the primer and it goes off.

I have no idea if this is correct, but those are his observations.

Athor Pel said...

Having the firing pin move that much when the slide is released is just bad design.

Assuming the design is actually good then you start to get into bad steel territory. It could be a poor heat treat or bad metallurgy. More likely poor heat treat. The metal part is softer than it should be and is wearing down when it should not.

It also might be the firing pin spring not being strong enough.

Nate said...

yep Lana. That's really... really not good.

bigP said...

Well shit. Looks like my XDS .45 has one of the the recalled serial numbers. I've never had a problem with it, definitely no double fires or ADs. I don't see the slight indent on the primer that Lana was talking about, I'll have to go out and do some testing at a location not in my house. Thanks for the heads up.

Outlaw X said...

I'll have to go out and do some testing at a location not in my house. Thanks for the heads up.

I have tried to duplicate my safety failure many times and gave up I couldn't make it happen again.

So to explain what happened I picked my pistol up with my thumb across the slide and my hand across the front of the grip and accidently pulled the trigger. The hand grip safety was not touched and the pistol fired anyway. The only thing hurt was my pride and a blood blister from the slide action. Might has well bought a glock. But like I said I want a flip safety. The P9 Springfield has one as does a Remington shotgun. Why Springfield didn't think we were competent enough to flip a safety before we even pointed the gun is beyond me?

Anyone who has shot enough knows the gun comes out and the safety is flipped before you even have the shotgun pointed at the dove or quail.

I just don't understand grip and finger safety's they are not safe at all. And anyone stupid enough or un-practiced enough doesn't need a gun.

Nate said...

The grip and thumb safeties are just secondary saftey devices. They are not primary safety devices and shouldn't be employed as such.

Giraffe said...

For what it is worth, AR's are known to do the same thing.

I don't know exactly why they do it, but I think the firing pins are not actually locked by the safety. They rely on spring tension to keep the pin from falling on

If you slam the bolt on a live round the momentum of the firing pin can leave a dent or cause what is known as a slam fire. I've heard it said only mil-spec primers should be used for that reason. I guess I don't worry about it, but always be aware where the muzzle is when you chamber a round on any gun.

Lana said...

I know y'all are all busy, so ignore this if you don't have time. I don't understand why this is a deal breaker. Is it because the firing pin is aligned incorrectly or it's leaving any dent when a round is chambered? Or am I just not understanding it at all.

In my experience (very, very limited) Giraffe's comment about the AR is spot on. We see this occasionally, but dead center of the primer.

So the location of the strike plus the fact that it's happening at all is twice the problem?