Friday, May 03, 2013

ATF Show

Hey kids

Here is the show link for tonight.  The show is an hour earlier tonight.  It starts at 9 central and goes for a full hour.  I hope ya get a chance to tune in.  Give us a call if you get a chance.  We're obviously taking questions on everything from guns to booze to smokes to women to economics to investing to ... apparently gardening.

And probably sandwiches.

Special surprise on this show.

Guest call in number:  347.308.8598


About that time.  Hope y'all are all havin' a good evenin'.

A: Makers Mark 46

T: bourbon soaked twist.  You likely ain' man enough for this.

F: Steyr M40.. MSAR .223.


Ok.. so..  I think next week it will be 90 minutes...  because we just kept talking... and we were done right about 90 minutes... and the end wasn't nearly that abrupt and weird.

So we'll do better.


Make Me a Sandwich.


Raggededge said...

A: Maker's Mark Mint Julep. Fuck you, once a year I enjoy a bottle of it during Derby time.

T: Damn rain keeping me inside again

F: Styer M9-A1. Decided to go ahead and get it. Bought 2000 rounds of 9mm a few weeks ago. If it stops raining, I plan on taking it to the range tomorrow.

Nate said...

dry fire it... tell us all how amazing the trigger is.

Slowpoke. said...

Nate, who is your preferred merchant of death? You get some of the nicest toys...

mmaier2112 said...

How did Vidad get a number?

mmaier2112 said...

I want some cheese.

Flannel Avenger said...

Vidad is 6 becaue he's got Nate's back

mmaier2112 said...

Ahhhh... thank you. But now I really want chili.

Flannel Avenger said...

I want a cheese sandwich and some popcorn...

Vidad said...

Nekkid blondes bring me beer. Heck yeah.

Flannel Avenger said...

You're going to have to start a live webstream of the ATF show.

mmaier2112 said...

Vidad, err... SIX... wins the evening.

Noah B. said...

Only caught the last 10 minutes or so of the show... doing it again next week?

Noah B. said...

So this New York Yankee walks into a bar in Lexington and says, "Bartender, give me the most expensive drink you've got."

Vidad said...

@Noah B.

We're doing it EVERY WEEK throughout the econopocalypse. Listen in and find a small sliver of joy amidst the destruction of Western Civilization.

Nate said...

Its every week. If I had my way... we'd do it several times a week.. but Vidad's old lady keeps him occupied.

Noah B. said...

Yeah they have their ways of doing that. I was planning to call in earlier but my wife cooked dinner -- steak -- which just about never happens. Most nights I'm lucky if I get milk with my Cheerios.

Nate said...

Noah.. The whole show will be available in the archive. It will show up on the show player on the sidebar. Actually its probably already there.

Vidad said...

"Vidad's old lady keeps him occupied."

Yeah. $180,000 per ounce. Vavavoom!

Plus, I have lots of survival gardening writing to do. Just got picked up by another outlet.

rycamor said...

Vidad/6, finally caught up with the part I missed. The song rocked. Brought tears to my eyes... sniff...

Of course you would upstage my guitar riff without me even knowing... drat you. I'll be back.

Nate said...

"Vidad is 6 becaue he's got Nate's back"

Sometimes you say something... to be as cheesy as possible... and you try to give it the driest delivery you can.

And then people think you weren't trying to be funny... and you were just that cheesy.


Vidad said...

You really are that cheesy.

Flannel Avenger said...

Eh, don't take it too hard. I'm notorious for that kind of thing.

Nate said...

Six is cooler. Accept it.

Flannel Avenger said...

So, Nate, if you are a supervillian, does that make Vidad your minion?

Nate said...

i consider him... more of a partner in crime.

Nate said...

"Nate, who is your preferred merchant of death? You get some of the nicest toys..."

That's an excellent question.

I can't narrow it down to one... but Steyr, Springfield-Armory, Savage, and Barrett all make the list.

Vidad said...

"who is your preferred merchant of death"

I'm gonna go with Basil II, the Bulgar-slayer.

Nate said...

"I'm gonna go with Basil II, the Bulgar-slayer."

Vlad Tepes.

Van said...

A - Jack and soda
T - none
F - clenched fist against pack of stray dogs

Geoff said...

If possible, would appreciate a transcript. I love Derbyshire's podcast as well but don't have the time to listen versus read. Understand if you don't have time to transcribe your stuff but if you did, you'd be awesome-er.

Nate said...

i fear the nature of the show would render such a thing... impossible.

This is really rowdy deal.

realmatt said...

The hell you doing with a NY cell number>?