Friday, August 09, 2013

And..... We're Back

I thought I would post a few pics to get you fired up for the show tonight.  Obviously the whole show will pretty much be one long ride report.  Man do I have stories....


Giraffe said...

We go to those badlands a couple times a year hunting deer and coyotes. A few miles off Highway 44.

jamsco said...

Isn't that awfully far north for you, Nate?

Nate said...

can't get much further north Jamsco

Res Ipsa said...

Good sheep pics.

That was fast. I would have thought your trip would have been longer.

WaterBoy said...

Great pics, beautiful area. Should make for a great ATF show.

Giraffe said...

I'm probably going miss the show tonight, but this would have been a good one to call in.

If you get around to it: Which semi auto .308 and why

A) M1A
b) Armalite Rifle

Vidad said...

A: Jägermeister
T: ...
F: Looking for a good carry gun. Haven't decided on what.

jamsco said...

Yes, you can, Nate. Lake Superior. C'mon!