Saturday, January 30, 2016

Country Song

It ain't every day that someone comes along and says exactly what you want to say about modern music... exactly the way you want to say it.    If you ever asked yourself where real country music went...  or where the outlaws are...   well... their right here.  They never left.    30 years from now the Grand Ol' Opry will probably be trying to cash on in on them too.

and I still have no idea what the fuck a honkeytonk badonkadonk is either.


Susan said...

The only time I have ever heard the term badonkadonk is on Big Bang Theory with regards to the Indian character Rajnesh. Evidently there is a magazine he subscribes to called New Delhi Badadonkadonks or something like that.

Possibly the writer of said tune is a fan of the show, and heard the term on any number of occasions.

Update. Got curious and googled. Badonkadonk refers to large female buttocks. You know, booty.
So the magazine on that television show is referring to Delhi women and their big booty.

Susan said...

A bar for large assed women would be my guess. Would that really exist?

Solemn Sentinel said...

I like Texas country, The Ranch radio station out of Fort Worth plays it 24/7. Cody Jinks is my favorite right now, dude actually sings like a man instead of like a chick.

Clint said...

I listen to Texas Country out of Houston. 105.3 down here. They play Texas/Red Dirt Country 24/7. Cody Jinks is good. I also like Turnpike Troubadors, but they are getting popular enough they will most likely go all Nashville on us. Corb Lund is also good.

cheddarman said...

Kinda like Social Distortion does country

Nate said...

They cover ball and chain on this album cheds

HoosierHillbilly said...

Still my favorite custom t-shirt that I've seen at a concert.

cheddarman said...

He has a really good voice. And he enunciates the words really well.

I hope these guys don't go pop country.

Solemn Sentinel said...

You never know, I guess it depends how deep their Texas roots go and how much $ they're offered.

Stilicho said...

That was awesome. Nice find.

JDC said...

Insane Country Posse?

Cheddarman of Christendom said...

dude wears a social distortion T shirt on his website. Gotta get the cd

Porky said...

Country's got juggaloes too!

Randomatos said...

This amused me more than it should. And I'm ok with that.