Thursday, July 15, 2004


So now it's starting to look like the US Treasury will hit the debt limit of 7.834 trillion dollars sometime in october. Nice. I know Bill, we're at war. I suppose that's why we had to have that drug beneFit eh? Because we're at war? No child left behind? Because we're at war?

"I undstand that I've spent a lot of money, but the house had to be repaired."

-"sir, you just bought a $200,000 car."

"I undstand that I've spent a lot of money, but the house had to be repaired."

And of course... We now get to watch the media scurry about. What wil the issue be? Will it be, "What can we do to keep from hitting the limit"? How about, "What will we do when we hit the limit"?

No way in hell. The assumption has already been made. If we hit the limit, we'll simply raise the limit. That sort of defeats the point of having a limit in the first place... really making it more of a marker than a limit.

Ah but who cares? We're at war!

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