Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Ol Miss Can't Say Christmas

What in the blue hell is going on here.

I knew Ol Miss was going to shit when they banned Dixie and the Reb... but holy crap man.  Now they have to change the name of their tree lighting event... because christian?

Hey dumbass... its not a holiday tree.  and even if it IS a holiday tree... what holiday is it?

No such thing as a Hanukah tree sugartits.

Maybe its a kwanza  tree...


Anonymous said...

"No such thing as a Hanukah tree sugartits."

Finally! Somebody gets it. Chanukah is not the "Jewish Christmas."

So, I don't get my tassels all in a knot when the goyim don't wish me "Happy Chanukah." In fact I prefer they don't worry about it. Enjoy your holiday, wish me a Merry Christmas, stop correcting yourself and apologizing when you see my yarmulke. I don't care. Your sensitivity to my Jewish sensibilities is just annoying and offensive.

John Williams said...

Sounds like Ol Miss is going to be a target rich environment for some Black Knighting.

Clint said...

SEC baby!

Res Ipsa said...

I'm just gonna wish y'all happy whatever holiday doesn't offend you.

This PC crap has to go. Really. When someone wishes you a happy whatever, what they are doing is wishing you well. Merry Christmas is a heart felt way of wishing someone the best and saying so.

Political Correctness is a religion of hate. How can a rational person be offended by wishing someone "happy" anything?

Susan said...

Because Res, the ones getting offended are not rational. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Liberals don't know how to be happy when it comes to good things.
They only understand how to be happy when bad things come.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Aw hell, Merry Christmas Ilk . . . and to all you gun-lovin' ilk: Don't shoot your eye out!

Is that politically correct enough for all y'all?

DT said...

How can a rational person be offended by wishing someone "happy" anything?

I'm pretty sure anyone who says "Happy Gun Control Day" to our host will not only cause offense, but deservedly experience the resulting wrath.

As for me, I am offended by "Happy Holidays" which is a form of cultural and religious appropriation (if libtards could be consistent with their beliefs for 5 seconds). It's Christmas. A Christian holiday. One of the most important Christian holidays.

One doesn't necessarily need to be a Christian to enjoy the lights and WarmFeels(TM). But it's time Christians demand respect from anyone wishing to participate in any way.

Res Ipsa said...

I don't mind "happy holidays" as a generic statement especially if its done as part of the overall holiday season, like when a store or a town puts up decorations that are meant to cover Thanksgiving thru New Years.

I do mind pretending that it isn't Christmas. I don't think I've ever met a Jew that's every made a big deal about being wished a happy Hanukkah instead of Christmas. Kwanza is just a made up Marxist excuse to get an extra day off work for blacks, who will also be taking Christmas off. So much for celebrating diversity and not perpetuating racial stereotypes.

Anonymous said...

"I don't think I've ever met a Jew that's every made a big deal about being wished a happy Hanukkah instead of Christmas."

Look, it's not a big deal. I just don't expect folks to fall all over themselves to do it, or experience a bunch of bad feelz if they wish me a Merry Christmas. I never correct them when it happens, I just say thanks. If they wish me a Happy Chanukah, I also say thanks. People need to relax. Our PC culture had created a bunch of high-strung, insecure, precious little snowflakes.

DT said...

I know a number of people use "Happy Holidays" in the manner you suggest with no ill intent. I'm not upset if Macy's has a "Happy Holidays" ad with a turkey, tree, and baby new year.

But the "Holiday Tree" nonsense should generate such social pressure from Christians that it's never suggested again.

I have never met a Jew who makes a big deal out of "Merry Christmas" either. But then again, I would take no offense if a Jewish friend happened to say to me "Happy Hanukkah." It doesn't happen because they know my beliefs. But I know they would have no ulterior motive if they did.

Anonymous said...

"I would take no offense if a Jewish friend happened to say to me "Happy Hanukkah.""

I think it would be odd and nonsensical if someone did, though. Unless they thought you were Jewish for some reason.

Nate said...

The whole hannuka (no i don't know how to spell I'm not a JOOO) as the jewish alternative to christmas thing never made sense to me at all. To me it always seems like some white liberal is trying to show how considerate they are by promoting something they don't understand.

MichaelJMaier said...

I thought Southrons were immune to the PC virus? Sounds like lynching needs to make a comeback, post-pronto! (Did I just invent a bastardized Yankee / wop word there?)

Underwater Operative said...

Michael, the virus has spread throughout the land. We Southrons will be weathering to he storm better than most.

Nate said...

Universities. Some of them held up better than others. Ol Miss has failed rather completely. All though... at least they still do offer Home Ec.

cheddarman said...

Damn Yankees!

Clint said...

Consider that Ole Miss was going to be the first target of the SJW. Too much Confederate baggage (Rebels, etc.). Who gets upset about Gators or Tigers or Bulldogs? But Rebels? No sir, that just won't do. Their hateful heritage need to be expunged.

Nate said...

yep. They went after Ol Miss hard.. and academia is the original entry point of the SJW entryism

Mr. Naron said...

Ole Piss deserves all the derision, ire, snark, diarrhea and full body cavity searches it can get. This is just the rest of world waking up to what I've already known since I was six years old. I tried to be a fan of both schools when I was a kid, but Ole Piss fans won't allow that.

Clint said...

Yeah, Academia is a tough place to be an anti-SJW. Tread lightly, when possible. Then again, my office looks like Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Davy Crockett and I got together to decorate it.

jOHN MOSBY said...

Brother Naron,
You and I both know all too well that OLE PISS deserves to be burnt to the damn ground. And more obnoxious bunch of students, Alumni and football fans, And a more punchable bunch of bastards you will not find anywhere else. I know, I got kin that went there, and they send their spoilt whelps there. Pathethic.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

"Happy Holidays!"

Oh Thanks. Which holidays?

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

"Happy Holidays!"

Oh Thanks. Which holidays?

Mr. Naron said...

Brother Mosby,

All my kin to go to a 4 year went to State. The Ole Piss fans collect fan belts from local junk yards.

The Kurgan said...
