Saturday, January 30, 2016

Country Song

It ain't every day that someone comes along and says exactly what you want to say about modern music... exactly the way you want to say it.    If you ever asked yourself where real country music went...  or where the outlaws are...   well... their right here.  They never left.    30 years from now the Grand Ol' Opry will probably be trying to cash on in on them too.

and I still have no idea what the fuck a honkeytonk badonkadonk is either.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

CG-36500 and The Pendleton

There's a movie out in theaters...   The Finest Hours.   I hope you'll get the chance to go see it.   We often see "based on a true story" or "inspired by true events" tacked on to the begining of various hollywood clunkers...  where reality is stretched out and doesn't live up to silliness on the screen.

In this case...  it is likely hollywood that will be outmatched by the stupifying events that actually took place.

18 February 1952....  two T2 tankers split in half in 40-60 foot seas off the coast of Cape Cod.  The coast guard rescued 70 men that day. 

The photo to the left is of the little boat that went out in those seas, blinding snow, and near hurricane winds to rescue the men of the TS Pendleton.  The recue boat was capsized several times... but it is a stubborn little bastard and kept righting itself.  The motor spent so much time upside down it would lose prime... and a crew member would have to climb back in there and restart it.   Think about that the next time you have engine trouble.  Try starting an unprimed diesel motor while being tossed around by 60 foot waves.   

They were told to take this little boat out into the those seas... and find a 500 foot tanker that had broken in half... and save the men on it.   With nothing but a compass.  Think about that.  The Sea had broken 2 500 foot long tankers in half.   And they were told to take this little wood boat out there and try to save those sailors.   Honestly I have to believe the commanders gave the orders in jest assuming the men of the CG-36500 would have sense enough to get lost out there and find their way back safe in a few hours. 

If you were to ask me what my favorite branch of the military is...  I'd think of the Air Force and the A-10.. and the F-18s...  and all the cool toys...  and I'd think of the Navy and the even cooler toys... and the Marines.   And I would think of the Army...  the traditions of West Point... the history and accomplishment and valor...  

Then I'd answer you;

The Coast Guard.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


someone tweeted this at me.

I have no evens to can't.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The 25 Demands of the Donald Trump Campaign

1. Donald Trump demands the uniting of all Americans within one Greater America, on the basis of the right to self-determination of nations to Make American Great Again.

2. Donald Trump demands equal rights for the American people (Folk) with respect to other nations, and the annulment of the North American Free Trade Agreement

3. Donald Trump demands land and oil development to feed our People and to provide for our energy needs. 

4. Only Nationals can be Citizens of the State.  Only persons of American blood can be Nationals, regardless of religious affiliation.  No Muslim can therefore be a American National. 

5. Any person who is not a Citizen will be able to live in America only as a guest and must be subject to legislation for foreigners.

 6. Only a Citizen is entitled to decide the leadership and laws of the State.  Donald Trump therefore demands that only Citizens may hold public office, regardless of whether it is a national, state, or local office, and proof of citizenship must be required to vote.

7. Donald Trump demands that the State make it its duty to provide opportunities of employment first of all for its own Citizens.  If there are not enough jobs all Americans, all foreigners must be deported.

8. Any further immigration of non-Americans is to be prevented.  We demand that all non-Americans who entered America after August 2, 1986, be forced to leave America without delay.
9. All American Citizens must have equal rights and duties. 

10. It must be the first duty of every Citizen to carry out intellectual or physical work.  Individual activity must not be harmful to the public interest and must be pursued within the framework of the community and for the general good. 

  Donald Trump therefore demands: 

11. The abolition of all income obtained without labor or effort.    Breaking the Servitude of Interest

12. In view of the tremendous sacrifices in property and blood demanded of the Nation by every war, personal gain from the war must be termed a crime against the Nation.  Donald Trump therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits, to ensure the proper treatment of our brave veterans

13. Donald Trump demands the nationalization of all enterprises (already) converted into corporations (trusts).   Foreign hands must not be allowed to control American wealth.

14. Donald Trump demands that the publicly traded stocks must pay dividends to their employees. 

15. Donald Trump demands the large-scale reform of Social Security.

16. Donald Trump demands the creation of a healthy middle class and its immediate break­up of the great conglomerates and their being leased at low cost to small firms and the utmost consideration for small firms in contracts with the Federal Government, state or any municipality.

17. Donald Trump demands strong eminent domain laws and tight regulation on the subprime real estate market and unethical practices.

18. Donald Trump demands ruthless battle against those who harm the common good by their SJW activities.  Also persons committing base crimes against the People, thieves, wall street profiteers, etc., are to be punished by death without regard of religion or race. 

19. Donald Trump demand the replacement of Liberal Law, which serves a materialistic World Order, by American Law. 

20. In order to make higher education—and thereby entry into leading positions— available to every able and industrious American, the State must provide a thorough restructuring of our entire public educational system.  The courses of study at all educational institutions are to be adjusted to meet the requirements of practical life.  Understanding of the concept of the patriotism must be achieved through the schools (teaching of civics) at the earliest age at which it can be grasped.  Donald Trump demands the education at the public expense of specially gifted children of poor parents, without regard to the latter’s position or occupation.   

21. The State must raise the level of national health by means of mother-and-child care, protecting children, achievement of physical fitness through legislation for compulsory gymnastics and sports, and maximum support for all organizations providing physical training for young people. 

22. Donald Trump demands the abolition of private contractors and the expansion of a strong national army. 

23. Donald Trump demands laws to fight against deliberate political lies and their dissemination by the press.  In order to make it possible to create an American press, he demands: 

a) All editors and reporters of Networks must be American Citizens by blood; 

b) Non-American networks require express permission from the State for their broadcast. 

c) Any financial participation in a American Network or influence on such a network is to be forbidden by law to non-Americans and the penalty for any breech of this law will be the closing of the network in question, as well as the immediate deportations of the non-Americans involved.  Networks which violate the public interest are to be banned.  He demands laws against SJW trends in art and literature which have a destructive effect on our national life, and the suppression of performances that offend against the above requirements. 

24. Donald Trump demands freedom for all religious denominations, provided that they do not endanger the existence of the State or offend the concepts of decency and morality of the American people.  Donald Trump stands for positive Christianity, without associating himself with any particular denomination.  He fights against the Islamic spirit within and around us, and is convinced that a permanent revival of our Nation can be achieved only asking not how America can make you great, but what you can do to make America Great Again.

25. To carry out all the above we demand:  the creation of a strong executive branch.  Unquestioned authority by the US Congress over the entire nation and over its organizations in general.  The establishment of trade and professional organizations to enforce the basic laws in the individual states.

 Donald Trump promises to take an uncompromising stand, at the cost of his own sacred fortune if need be, on the enforcement of the above points.

*** Donald Trumps wardrobe provided exclusively by Hugo Boss

Friday, January 22, 2016


Yep... we're on it.  Give us a holler

Here's the link

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Minas Tirith Times

The Following is an Op-ed written to the editors of the Minas Tirith Times by Saruman, Head of the White Council :

One of the major challenges that we face today, on a global scale, is how to protect people who have been forced, by armed conflict, human right abuse or other forms of persecution to flee their homelands.

  Overwhelmingly, refugees do not willingly leave their homes and families.   They do not come to Gondor seeking financial advancement.   Most do not even leave with a final destination in mind.

   They leave because of the fear of what will happen to them if they don’t. 

  They leave because of the persecution and abuse that they have faced on a daily basis. 

  As a country, Gondor shares responsibility with the rest of the international community, for protecting these refugees by offering them a place where they can be safe. 

  When we accept refugees into our community, we are offering them the chance to live a secure and stable life free from fear.     

Freedom From Fear.    Why?    Because, sadly, fear is a very powerful emotion.    It drives people to do things they would have never considered before. 

  It drives them to undertake the most perilous journey imaginable that of a person fleeing across and international border and into the unknown.

  These journeys are often met with hunger, disease, more violence and even death. 
  But there is light at the end of the tunnel.

These people are being given another chance – Free From Fear – to build a new life, to live in safety as warmly welcome and dignified members of the Gondornian community. 
They come as ordinary, humble people.  They are teachers, doctors, labourers and carers.    They are mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers.    They are people.    They are people who grace us with their presence    . . . who enhance our diversity     . . . who teach us their customs     . . . and enrich our shared community.    Gondor has a proud tradition of accepting migrants and refugees and are the better for it.    Refugees and refugee communities are valued members of any society.

 It is important to remember that difficulties refugees face with they first arrive.  Having fled for their lives, often leaving family and loved ones behind, refugees face a new set of challenges.  

  How do I communicate in a foreign language?   How do I find somewhere to live?    Will I be able to support my family?    And perhaps one of the most difficult questions …    How do I recover from the trauma I experienced?    These are not easy questions to answer but rest assured we must help in any way we can. 

  As a community, we must work together to ensure that these people are made to feel welcome and given the assistance they need. As we look towards the future, the resettlement focus will continue to be on refugees from the three key regions of Gondor, Rohan and yes, even Rivendell, with equal proportions of arrivals from each.  

It is important that we silence the voices of our own fear.  That we not give in to the xenophobia and hate.  We must focus on the suffering and plight of these refugees who need us so desperately.  Let us not talk of walls.  Let us ask what we can do to help ease the pain. 

Their homeland, Mordor is ruled by a tyrant.  A dictator who is torturing and conscripting them.  He has poisoned their lands and ruined their environment to the point that it is uninhabitable.  The air itself is poison, from the chemical weapons he's used on his own people.   His Nazgul torment them from the air.  And the Eagles attacking them only make the suffering below even worse... as their violence spills down.  We must create a no fly zone to keep these refugees safe and Free from Fear.  If that means shooting down the Eagles as well as the Nazgul... so be it.

This is the Third Age.  3018.  It is time to move past the out-dated racism and xenophobia of the past. 

On behalf of the White Council and all Istari, I beg you, and I thank you.

Your humble servant,


Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Decline and Fall of the United States of America

Seems a bit early to be writing this... but the fact is the history is already written.  The nails are in the coffin.   Its already happened.  The US is down 34 to 10  and there are only 2 minutes to go.  There is no time for a come back. 

If you saw the post last night or heard the show you know our friend Rycamor brought a great essay on the life cycle of nations.  This essay is called The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival.  It is written by Sir John Glubb.

In this most excellent work the author examines the history of great nations... the Greeks... Rome.. The Byzantines... the Ottomans..  He seeks out patterns and tries to learn what lessons can be learned.
As always... a work like this should be judged by its predictive ability.  Lots of models can be created to match the past.  But matching the past doesn't help unless they also turn out to match the future.  so why is this work important?

Well it specifically predicts the break up of the soviet union... which was something that people of the 60s and 70s simply found unthinkable.

Now... lets look at the Glubb's stages of the life cycle and see how they match up with the life cycle of the United States.

Stage I: Outburst.   This stage is the pioneer stage.  As Glubb states... over and over again in history we see a small native people exploding and conquering large land masses.  To many this will make them think of Manifest Destiny and the western expansion but to my own eye.. the out burst was the Revolutionary War.  Before the war the colonies were insignificant on the world stage.  The defeat of the English.  It is after all called the Shot Heard Round the World for a reason.

Stage II: Age of Conquest:  This stage we see the great expansion.  This is where to me, manifest destiny comes in.  Old weapons are mastered and improved... new weapons are invented.. and massive lands are conquered.   While conquering and settling these new lands... massive amounts of wealth are generated.  Again... this should all be sounding familiar.

Stage III:  Age of Commerce:  Industrial Revolution anyone?  All of that wealth ends up being put to use... infrastructure in this stage explodes.  In this stage we see art and luxury.  You see grand state buildings.  The rich build themselves palaces.  Now think of Mr Vanderbilt's Biltmore.  Is it not a palace? It should be noted in this stage the schooling of boys is still intentionally rough.  Fortitude and courage and honesty are all priorities.  I would note that american football was developed during this period to drive those qualities home.

High Noon:   This is the peak of the Nation. Its the point where the nation goes from growing to dying.   For the US.. this was the 1940s.  WWII was won... Evil was defeated... and everyone relaxed.  Money was everywhere... the US was the most powerful nation in the world.  And now.. we had something to lose... and we noticed we may want to protect it.

Stage IV: Age of Affluence:  Money is the destroyer of nations.  That is certain.  Over time the desire to be rich replaces the individual desire for fame or conquest or achievement.  Rather than going to school for learning or virtue... men go to school to learn how to get rich.  And yes... it will disappoint those who believe history has ended to know that Arab moralists complained about this exact problem way back in 1090.  What is the American dream friends?  Is it climbing Everest?  or is it being able to buy stuff?  It changed back in the age of affluence.  In America this was the post wwII period.  The baby Boomers were raised to be spoiled brats...  and that was the beginning of the end.  The age of affluence is characterized by defensiveness.  Empires are considered immoral.  Conquest is immoral. War and fighting are immoral.  again... bells should be going off.  Think back to the counter culture of the 60s and 70s.  "You're all doing it wrong!" shouted the hippies.  But the message the hippies thought was new... was just the same thousand year old mistake of all rich, spoiled children of affluence.

Stage V Age of Intellect:  In this stage the nation is deciding that all the world's problems can be solved not by hard work and courage and determination and struggle... but by the brain alone.  after all... its CURRENT YEAR.  In this stage the population imagines that everyone is a genius and everyone should go to college.  This exact thing happened in the 11th century to the arabs.  Rather than a few universities in the major cities... universities now sprung up in every small town.  This was not a sign of life and  bright future.  This was the tolling of the death bell.  Today in the USA we are told every day... education is the answer.   This is proof positive of where we stand in the life cycle.  Education is not the answer.  Everyone is not a super genius.  There is no shiny star trek utopia around the corner.   Around the corner... is the grave. 

The USA was born in 1776.

As we study the life cycle of these ancient nations... we come to a stark obvious average.  250 years.

My friends.... 2026 is a decade away. 

It appears to me we are right on schedule.

Friday, January 15, 2016

ATF Show: Epic Dread Ilk Night

Yep... here we go boys.  You asked for it... you got it.

The show kicks off at 9 Central.  It will likely go 2 hours.. at least.  Depending on how much we drink anyway.

The show link is right here.

Six and I will obviously be doing out thing... lots of Ilk have said their gonna be calling in.. so who the hell knows what's gonna happen.

This is link to the book Rycamor mentioned.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Roll Tide

Before we get to carried away here... yes... I think Bama is going to win.  I would remind everyone though... including bama fans... that these are a bunch of 18 to 22 year olds. 

If Bama plays a great game... Clemson simply cannot beat them.  I'm sorry ACC fans... I'm sorry Clemson fans... that's just the cold hard truth.  Clemson needs Alabama mistakes to win this game.

And Alabama is not immune to mistakes.

I'm not gonna lie... I'm not hoping for a good game.  I'm not hoping for an entertaining game.

I want plate tectonics football.  I want slow grinding unstoppable destruction.  I want to see Clemson go through 3 hours of pure misery.  I want to hear the SEC chant.

I want to see Bama be Bama.

Friday, January 08, 2016

ATF. I'm Pissed Edition



It has been a week.  I mean seriously.  It has been a week.  I have dealt with more stupid crap... more corporate idiocy... more retarded bureaucracy...  a lesser man would slit his wrists strap on dynamite and drive into an embassy somewhere.

Did y'all see Google took down Hickok45's youtube channel?   This is the most popular gun channel on youtube.  2 million something subscribers... who knows how many hundreds of millions of views.  Shut it down. Because appanrently the videos were getting shared to google+ with has a no guns policy.

Hickok doesn't even use Google+.   Because no one uses Google+ because Google+ is shit.   Hickok's youtube channel probably generates more ad revenue than all of Google+ combined. 

Efffing retards.

They got it all worked out and his channel was back up... but now its down again.  No word on why this time.  here's the thing... Why Hickok?   Why take down the best, most informative channel there is?  Hickok is the Bob Ross of firearms!  You don't have to love guns to love Hickok!   Just like you don't have to give a damn about happy tress to love Bob Ross!


apart from all that?

A:  Larceny Bourbon.

T:  Carlon Torano.   Because.  Carlos Torano.

F:  Beretta.  because apparently I am becoming a Berettaphile.


I'm doing the show.

Here's the link

Saturday, January 02, 2016

Mobile Bay to Deadhorse AK

Its a pretty crazy thought.

I'd start the trip by snapping a selfie with my toe in water of the Gulf of Mexico...  and about a week later... get another selfie... with my toe in the water of the Artic Ocean. 

There are several routes to choose from... 2 eastern routes through Minnesota... and one western route through Colorado and Montana.   The western route is a lot more interesting...  but it adds a couple hundred miles.  But lets be honest... 200 miles isn't that important when you're talking about a 5000 mile ride.  Each way.

Now for the record JAC and I have done some crazy stuff.  But this is on another level.  That's not to say we can't do it.  We can.  But there are very serious logistical questions to answer.  Previously it looks liked a month long trip.... But now it looks like it will be more like 3 weeks.  And even that would be allowing for rest days.

We;re talking about 700 miles a day for 7 days... which really isn't difficult.  10 hours a day on the bike averaging 70 mph.    That pace, which is modest, would leave plenty of time to take it slow and easy in the rough parts. 

But what bike to take?

See normally this isn't a question.  Hey dummy... there is a BMW 1150 RT sitting in the garage.

But that's a big heavy bike.  Do I want to take it up the Dalton Highway?   Don't get me wrong... I know its has some hype about it but in the summer the Dalton isn't a big deal.  Its a long straight road that switches between asphalt, gravel, and hard packed dirt.   None of which is a problem.

The problem would be rain.

The Dalton can get pretty nasty if it rains...  and on a big heavy bike like the RT... that could be...  interesting.

For something like this ideally you'd want a lightweight bike with a low seat.  

Ok but who wants to ride that lightweight bike at 75 to 85 mph on the interstate for 4000 miles on the way to and from the Dalton?

Maybe something in between?  Like a Weestrom? 

But a new bike would be unproven...  do I really wanna trust it that much to take on a trip like this?  The RT is set up for the long haul.

And what about me?  Can I physically still do this?  I'd like to say that's a no brainer... but I have to face some facts... I'm still in good shape.. but my eyes are deteriorating... and I've had two back surgeries.

There are a lot of things that go into planning something like this.  Hell... there are a lot of things that go into evaluating the Go - No Go prospects of this.  But here we are.  

It appears its time to start that process.

Wanna come along?