Saturday, August 03, 2013

99,999 to go

1 Harley down.

So we're rolling down I 29 blowing past more cruiser fags than should ever be on the road... When we notice in our mirrors there are 4 harleys in formation bearing down on us.  This was... Amusing.

They were really pushing so we let them go on by and pulled in right behind.  We immediately noticed that they started checking their 6 to see if they could slow down.  They really didn't want to be riding that fast.  We pushed a little harder.

Suddenly the front rider peels out to the center line and starts looking down at his bike.


White smoke pours out of his tail pipe and oil spills out all over the road.

He blew his motor right in front of us.

Sad day for the Sons of Silence.  Pretty fun day for us though.


Res Ipsa said...


1 less hog on the road makes the world a better place.

RC said...

Had 4 Harleys rolling along at about 50 on a curvy two-lane in Missouri not too long ago. They didn't want to be passed, just jacking with me. I finally had a bit of a window, pulled out to pass, and they hit their throttles (better known on a Harley as a volume control device) to keep me from passing. My M5 just pulled past in 3rd gear, no drama, left them in the dust. A very satisfying pass I must say.

David said...

This is good news. Two of my coworkers ride harleys. One's a total douchebag, the other hates his life. My boss, on the other hand, rides BMWs and is always in a good mood. Coincidence?

I think not.

Vidad said...

The engine gave out before your superior Alpha. You could've been riding a moped and the same thing would've happened. Weep, ye betas.

Daniel said...

While you are tooling around the country, keep an eye out for my


Runs half a block before lying down, craps every 5 minutes, scared of horses, attracts mangy females, cost a fortune, answers to the name of "Harley."

WaterBoy said...

And now for something completely different: CloneBurgers

Can't wait for the artifically grown FrankenChicken -- I wonder what it will taste like?

Giraffe said...

Nice. We went to a baseball game in the twin cities. Met lots of people on hawgs riding west.

While in the cities, I happened to walk past a bar called "Gay 90's". Vox's old hangout?

Russ said...

I hear the drink umbrellas there are twice of your standard booze-bauble. I'm sure it was.

Stilicho said...

Killing hoverounds may be fun, but it isn't really sporting, is it?

Darlin' Joy said...

Fix my bike, please! I miss the road.

Susan said...

Nate, how could you two strand your sister without her bike like this??? Oh the humanity!!(eyeroll)

Darlin' Joy, isn't there anyone else who could fix your bike for you? Sure hate to see you stranded while those two brothers of yours are out having their fun.

Just so you know Nate, I am very close to laying a really bad guilt trip on you. (eyeroll and smile)Women folk have to stick together.

Isn't there something in the Southron code of behavior rulebook that says brothers are supposed to help out their sisters? Unless I have missed something, especially if unmarried?

Regards the Harley, taking out one shouldn't even rank as an achievement at all. The way they are built now, one of your own toddlers could do it on their little 3 wheeler plastic butt dragger.

A former boss who used to drive long haul said that he and other truckers used to torment drivers of the old VW beetles that tried to pass them by turning on their CB radios. Somehow it cut the power to their engines and they just couldn't pass the trucks. He had a million other stories like that.

Stilicho said...

What a great reality tv series: Hog Hunters, on the highway.

Susan said...

Couldn't be any worse than some of the crap that is already being peddled out there. MTV is peddling a show idea about following a bunch of virgins to see if the girls can keep their virginity or decide to give it away.

All in all, I would prefer Hog Hunter. Especially if Nate and his brother starred.

Lulabelle said...

I remember you recounting a story once, wherein you (at least I think it was you) said to someone "yes, I know you ride a Harley, I saw the oil stain on the drive". And I'm always, always tempted to say it when some guy is bragging about his bike.

Susan said...

Good one Lulabelle. If the owner crossed the line with his bragging, that zinger would sure shut him up.

John Williams said...

Susan, with a Go Pro cam and a little editing, we could have Hog Hunters on YouYube.

John Williams said...

Susan, with a Go Pro cam and a little editing, we could have Hog Hunters on YouYube.

Susan said...

You know, its too bad that Nate is spending this week on a road trip. He is missing out on some really entertaining debate over at VD's place right now.

Nate always has something good to say on the subjects being posted.

Anonymous said...

ATF tonight?
