Friday, October 18, 2013

ATF: And... We're Back.

Actually we're not back.  Only I'm back.   Six has bailed on me... he's off doing some hippy shit... hiking or something gay like that.  I dunno.

So I'm flying solo.

God help us.  Could be an abreviated show...  or... I could just end up ranting about yankees and scotch.  No promises.

A:  Bookers Dammit.  Because.

T: Arturo Fuente.  Also.  Because.

F: Alexander Arms .50 Beowulf.

Das Link


Raggededge said...

A: Russell's Reserve

B: Nothing tonight.

C: Benelli Legacy 28 Gauge. I'm on a serious shotgun kick as of late. This little autoloader is a bird hunter's dream.

Anonymous said...

A 5 minute Hot Pockets commercial first?




Anonymous said...

A - Buffalo Trace

T - Alec Bradley Shift

F - M&P 22


Anonymous said...

The Remington R1 1911's are nice.
Their rifles kind of suck...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This AB Shift is pretty damn tasty...


WellDigger said...

ummm give your mom credit for knowing what primers the Beowulf takes for reloading

WellDigger said...

1998 lasaror savage

Anonymous said...

Late 90's I believe, on the Savage 99


Anonymous said...

Just FYI, we have a Savage 308 Scout in the shop, and it has a damn nice trigger. I like Rugers, but generally, their triggers leave something to be desired. But this one is sweet.


Nate said...


are you trying to drum up business now?

sorry bastard.

How's the furniture on it?

and how much do you want for it?

Russ said...

A: Just had me some Hayden's. Real nice.

T: Olivia

F: Ruger SR-762

cheddarman said...

I thought there was not gonna be a show, so i went to bed early. Damn.

I had 2 things to discuss

1) Game in the fall of man, per Genesis 3
2) A novel recoil reduction mechanism for AR-10/15 rifles
3) Southern, by the grace of God!



cheddarman said...

I thought there was not gonna be a show, so i went to bed early. Damn.

I had 2 things to discuss

1) Game in the fall of man, per Genesis 3
2) A novel recoil reduction mechanism for AR-10/15 rifles
3) Southern, by the grace of God!



Outlaw X said...

Bolt action rifles.

I am a Ruger man my Older brother is a Remington man. They are both fine rifles. We used to contest out the Bench all the time. He usually beat me but he is a natural. Can't blame it on the scope we are both Leupold men scopes and mounts. Ive' sent you pictures of late what he can do, there is nothing wrong with Remington rifles, but we like to argue about it.

The fact is 99% people can't out shoot their rifles. The rifle is better than the shooter whether Remington or Ruger bolt actions.

Outlaw X said...

Tell a funny story.

In the early 90's I looked high and low for a Rossi 22mag pump action rifle, as they are nostalgic. It always shot fine and in 2003 or 2004 I drove up to farm and was shooting at the bench off hand at 50 yards and was shooting 3" groups off hand, and was pissed saying what happened to my gun? My brother didn't know I was up the farm and heard the shots and came driving up.

He asked me where I got that gun and I said I've had for ten years just hardly ever get it out but it won't shoot worth a shit anymore.

He asked me if he could shoot it and I put 12 rounds in the tube and handed it to him. All 12 rounds hit within a 1" bulls eye.

He asked me how much I wanted for it and I told him it isn't for sale and he said he wished he would have asked me before he shot it.

Anonymous said...

Already sold Nate. Sorry. The laminate green and black stock on it was beautiful.

I'm trying to get another, but they don't show up at my distributors very often.

I was surprised about the trigger, as I generally like Rugers, but feel they almost all need a trigger job.
This trigger was pretty good.

And we had $779.99 on it, just FYI.


Nate said...

Outlaw... I don't care how good it shoots... that safety still looks cheap as hell.

anyway the ruger vs remington arguement is only a contest for second place.

Winchester Model 70 Uber Alles!

Anonymous said...

"anyway the ruger vs remington arguement is only a contest for second place."

Savage in there anywhere?


Outlaw X said...

that safety still looks cheap as hell.

I guess that is a subjective view in which I disagree, they sure don't feel cheap when you flip them.

Outlaw X said...

I saw the 2nd amendment rally pictures at the Alamo in San Antonio (Saturday). There is nothing more sexy than a woman with an AR-15 strapped across her back.

Outlaw X said...

You also said that those off brand Remington's were only good for hitting something as big as a brontosaurus on Vox's blog. I doubt my brother will say a word but you screwed up.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing more sexy than a woman with an AR-15 strapped across her back. - Outlaw X

Chicks and guns...Awwww yeah...


napari said...

I like your style Nate.
Don't change a thing!