Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Jimmy Buffett-A Pirate Looks At Forty



Res Ipsa said...

Kinda melancholy.

I still like it at least as much as I did 20 years ago.

Nate said...

Turned 40 today. So now my cynical curmudgeon attitudes finally won't seem so out of place.

WaterBoy said...

Happy birthday, man.

"cynical curmudgeon attitudes"

Don't see it.

Outlaw X said...

happy birthday

Vidad said...

May your next 40 years bring you as many rich experiences as the first 40... and hopefully less back injuries.

Res Ipsa said...

Happy Birthday!

Welcome to the club.

Susan said...

Very Happy Birthday to the Master of the blog! And cheers to the merry ilk that visit here.

Remembering how I felt about my
40's, I do agree that you just might finally start to feel comfortable in your skin. Curmudgeon suits you very well.

However, in my experience, it isn't until you hit your 50's that you will really enjoy the perks of your "inner curmudgeon".

Outlaw X said...


When I turned 40 I didn't care, when I turned 50 I didn't care only my body cared :) Something everyone finds out if they get the chance.

rycamor said...

Yep, welcome to my decade. I'm not quite done with it yet, so try not to stink up the place too much.

Susan said...

I am not saying that I cared at all. I am loving my age. The store of knowledge accumulated is wonderful to have.

Outlaw X, I never in a million years would have thought you to be in your 50's. You have never seemed to be your age to me Outlaw X. I hope your health is doing well?

Jemison Thorsby said...

Happy Birthday, Young'in!

Bobo said...

The older the violin, the sweeter the music ...