Overwhelmingly, refugees do not willingly leave their homes and families. They do not come to Gondor seeking financial advancement. Most do not even leave with a final destination in mind.
They leave because of the fear of what will happen to them if they don’t.
They leave because of the persecution and abuse that they have faced on a daily basis.
As a country, Gondor shares responsibility with the rest of the international community, for protecting these refugees by offering them a place where they can be safe.
When we accept refugees into our community, we are offering them the chance to live a secure and stable life free from fear.
Freedom From Fear. Why? Because, sadly, fear is a very powerful emotion. It drives people to do things they would have never considered before.
It drives them to undertake the most perilous journey imaginable that of a person fleeing across and international border and into the unknown.
These journeys are often met with hunger, disease, more violence and even death.
But there is light at the end of the tunnel.
These people are being given another chance – Free From Fear – to build a new life, to live in safety as warmly welcome and dignified members of the Gondornian community.
They come as ordinary, humble people. They are teachers, doctors, labourers and carers. They are mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. They are people. They are people who grace us with their presence . . . who enhance our diversity . . . who teach us their customs . . . and enrich our shared community. Gondor has a proud tradition of accepting migrants and refugees and are the better for it. Refugees and refugee communities are valued members of any society.
It is important to remember that difficulties refugees face with they first arrive. Having fled for their lives, often leaving family and loved ones behind, refugees face a new set of challenges.
How do I communicate in a foreign language? How do I find somewhere to live? Will I be able to support my family? And perhaps one of the most difficult questions … How do I recover from the trauma I experienced? These are not easy questions to answer but rest assured we must help in any way we can.
As a community, we must work together to ensure that these people are made to feel welcome and given the assistance they need. As we look towards the future, the resettlement focus will continue to be on refugees from the three key regions of Gondor, Rohan and yes, even Rivendell, with equal proportions of arrivals from each.
It is important that we silence the voices of our own fear. That we not give in to the xenophobia and hate. We must focus on the suffering and plight of these refugees who need us so desperately. Let us not talk of walls. Let us ask what we can do to help ease the pain.
Their homeland, Mordor is ruled by a tyrant. A dictator who is torturing and conscripting them. He has poisoned their lands and ruined their environment to the point that it is uninhabitable. The air itself is poison, from the chemical weapons he's used on his own people. His Nazgul torment them from the air. And the Eagles attacking them only make the suffering below even worse... as their violence spills down. We must create a no fly zone to keep these refugees safe and Free from Fear. If that means shooting down the Eagles as well as the Nazgul... so be it.
This is the Third Age. 3018. It is time to move past the out-dated racism and xenophobia of the past.
On behalf of the White Council and all Istari, I beg you, and I thank you.
Your humble servant,
So brave.
thanks for this?
I must protest. Radagast and I were not consulted on this matter.
Wow just wow
I was speaking to Sarumon, not to you.
I notice he left "The White" off of his title. Pandering much?
I also read somewhere that Sarumon, via his HR department, will make it mandatory for every orc under his purview to attend the, "Don't rape the locals," online course. The official title of the course is, "Nay means nay."
Teach orcs not to rape!
"Where da Gondorian women be at?"
Teach orcs not to rape!
Of course, consuming their unborn children is fine...
I need feminism because...
It is not OK to not be raped by Orcs when my neighbor is...
The Following is an Op-ed written to the editors of the Minis Tirith Times by Sarumon, Head of the White Council :
Your humble servant, Sarumon
I was speaking to Sarumon, not to you.
I also read somewhere that Sarumon
It's Saruman, dammit!!!
I knew something like that was going to happen.
It's Saruman, dammit!!!
You're letting your cis-gender privilege show. Since 'man' was deemed too sexist, the 'mon' was added to not cause butt-hurt and SJW tears.
Come on homer...get with the program!
Nate: "I knew something like that was going to happen."
Just be glad that I let "Minis Tirith" slide...at least you got it right in the post title.
JDC: "You're letting your cis-gender privilege show"
What are you talking about? I'm so PC that I speak the Black Speech. And in Black Speech, it is written thus:
Uglúk u bagronk sha pushdug Saruman-glob búbhosh skai!
The Hobbit Shire isn't diverse, Orcs should be relocated there.
N.B.: PC = Philologically Correct
I callin' the Waffen SS Das Nate Division to fix this shit in Gondor.
A great orcish poet once scratched this poem on the base of one of the statues of the Kings above the falls of Rauros:
Give us your slavering hordes, yearning to eat for free...
Gondor has been made stronger by previous invasions. By welcoming these new refugees, Gondor can realize the dream of truly becoming the cooking pot society. Do it for the orclings.
Da White Tree be raciss!
Orc lives matter!
Militia groups like the Rangers of Ithilien must be prosecuted and all citizens disarmed to prevent future massacres. Those bitter clingers even attacked relief workers going to Mordor!
And just think of all the wonderful benefits they will bring to our communities! I for one can't wait to try some exotic orcish cuisine.
Meat's back on the menu, boys.
Minas Troney is truly in the soup now.
Stilicho wins thread.
Saruman to Uruk Hai:
"You will rape whiteflesh!" (Roaring cheers)
I laughed...I cried...it changed my life...
I laughed...I cried...it changed my life...
Relatedly, I wrote this a few years ago:
"The Democracies of the Ring"
I laughed...I cried...it changed my life...
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