Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Flip Floppery

See? Change ain't always so easy to deal with. You get quite a bit of chaos and even a few shenanigans. But in the end... it all works out for the better.

Or not.


Underwater Operative said...

I like this one.

Clint said...

This is better.

Anonymous said...

Much better. Thanks.

Bill said...

This is better, but the comments suck. And after I'd FINALLY gotten used to heloscan.

This stupid thing doesn't even remember my name.

Clint said...

Have you read Bill Lind's article today?

Especially notice the final paragraph.

Nate said...

Just post anon Bill. throw a little "- Bill" at the end. Bare with me for a while. I'm still working on Haloscan.

Spacebunny said...

It remembers me - maybe it just doesn't like Bill....;^)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, no doubt this thing was coded by a RonPaulite... it's got it in for me.


Roci said...

Please stop. Your are making my head hurt. Too much change all at once.

Nate said...

Well lets face it Spacebunny... you're quite a bit more memorable than Bill.

No offense brother.

Nate said...

Hey look! You can link nate's individual posts! WOOT!

Spacebunny said...

I'm with Roci - I don't like change. Or orange - but it's your blog and that's the last I'll say about the color. I don't know what my thing is with orange anyway - must be a knee jerk Irish thing ;^)

Anonymous said...

Part of the fun of the other blog design was feeling like I was "visiting the guys". This one, while nice, is just a little too organized for someone who does the kind of typos you do.

Real guys shouldn't be neat and tidy all the time. Spacebunny is right about one thing, orange is just not good. Only place it belongs is in a glass with my breakfast.

Isn't there a way to add a piratey type bit of clip art to the header?


huckleberry said...

Much better.
And I like the orange.
Kind of makes it seem a bit like the old place.

Underwater Operative said...

This would be a good background


Nate said...

Amen brother. Amen.

I confess the continuity offered by the orange appeals to me.

trk said...

This orange one has a metrosexual thing going on...just saying

It's a cleaner look, easier to read, but its not quite TPGBB.

Nate said...

It needs a pirate flag... or some 1911's.

Underwater Operative said...

Bourbon! Don't forget Bourbon

Zion's Paladin said...

Or the cigars. Although the smoke rising from a gun would work too.

Underwater Operative said...

A 1911 in the top left corner and a Fuente OpusX (or whatever ya like) in the top right corner would be cool. Both with smoke coming out the end...

I can't speak to the color.

Anonymous said...

The comments really suck.

Something Feral said...

I never did like Haloscan.

Change for the better, in my opinion, but I do agree that the title-bar up there needs some M1911/bourbon/pirate/Southron/motorcycle et al love.

Anonymous said...

Loved clicking on the photo upper right hand. The cheesecake recipe looked great. Along with the tenderloin marinade.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of change....
Did you catch this?

The Coming of the Fourth American Republic
