Monday, April 20, 2009


Definately... but I don't know about hope. Feel free to rant about all the changes in the comments... assuming you get them to work. I didn't want to do it. I really didn't... but it was time folks.

Out with the old... as they say.


huckleberry said...

I think it's making me dizzy.
Also, bring back haloscan...

Nate said...

hey... did this work?

Nate said...

haloscan is gone. Gone gone gone.

Vulture said...


Love the new look. It's definitely you.

Nate said...

I only wish I could've found a more... Piratish theme... Believe me.. you may come back and find all this switched to smoking 45s tomarrow.

I may start changing the template daily or something.

Res Ipsa said...

Not bad.

Change the "Sun" water mark at the top to something classy, like a Bloody St. Andrews Cross.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Yeah! Nice! Definitely keep it!

Spacebunny said...

Looks like a teenage girls diary. Just saying.

JACIII said...

...or a soccer fans scrapbook.

Nate said...

I wonder what SB thought it looked like before...

philaegle said...

"Looks like a teenage girls diary. Just saying."

Agreed. It's all well and good Natester except for all that frilly crap on the left hand side of the screen.

Nate said...

Just not utilitarian enough for this crowd eh?

trk said...

I dig it. Just needs a few bullet holes.

Bill said...

Good Lord! I'm hoping against hope that Darlin Joy did this while you were away....

Clint said...

Yeah, but what happened to all the old comments?

Nate said...

well... unless I can make haloscan work again... they're gone.

We'll see.

Spacebunny said...

Just boring guy stuff is what I thought before.

What happened to haloscan? I'm just curious about what prompted the change.

Spacebunny said...

Oh and she didn't like the orange, but that's just because I don't like orange in general and had nothing to do with you. It's a thing with me.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mess with Nate's design. I figure if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


mmaier2112 said...

Crap. Another site where I can't view comments at work. Making my days a little more dreary.

I changed mine only because the old format didn't play well with pics.

I do like the pic on the top right, tho.

Alex said...

I ,with SB, abhor orange, except in liqueur flavoring and a setting sun. It's not just her - it's people like us who feel violent around orange. Its disturbing.

My Dad painted my teenage bedroom hippie orange and pink and yellow back in the day, complete with beanbag, lava lamp, beaded closet doors, twirling lamps, all in orange, pink and yellow.....aaaargh, Im still upset. No wonder I took up pot.

But hey, your knew blog layout misses the authority of the old. Cant explain why - it's just, softer somehow.

Jamie-R said...

Hahaha! Awesome. I like this. The Maker's Mark factory!

Wes said...

Not bad, Nate. I like the way the blog looks, though I don't see how Blogger commenting is an improvement over HaloScan.