Pretty ain't it?
I have confession. I have a knife fetish. Always have. I've collected all sorts of knives over the years but I thought it was about time I wrote up something on, one of the best all-around big knife I own. The SOG SEAL Team Elite (STE from now because I feel like a douchebag typing the name)
Full disclosure... I am a big fan of SOG. I've had several SOG Tridents and still carry one today. I've put them through hell and they've never let me down. I could say as much about the STE, which I've had for years.
Lets get the specs out of the way... its a 7-inch blade. 12.3 inches overall length. Its 10oz or so. Not bad for a knife this size. Its got a nylon polymer handle that is seriously grippy. The steel is Aus8. And its a quarter inch thick full tang.
Now... lets get this out of the way... if you're one the morons that things Aus Steel is not good enough for your knife... you can go ahead and quit reading now. Go talk amongst yourselves about how much better the Striders that you don't own are. You're idiots. Thanks.
Ok for the rest of you...
I don't know where you'll find a better knife for 100 bucks. I really don't. I once drove this thing into a tree and stood on it. Its skinned dead things. Its chopped wood. Its cut some sheet metal a few times. I've used it to cut wire fence... drive nails.. and cut nails. Its tough.
How does it hold its edge? Mine has held its edge extremely well. I find that it loses a little sharpness fairly quickly.. but will then hold the rest for a long long time. If that makes sense. So maybe it loses 5% of its sharpness in the first few minutes of hard use.. but then it holds the remaining 95% for hours.
The sheath is really nice as well. Its molle ready so you can strap it up anywhere ya need to. Its well made with rivets at all the critical points and serious double stitching. Plus its got a little pouch that will hold an extra mag for your .40. At least it holds mine. Sharpening stone my ass. I hear a lot of the mallninja types complain that the sheath has a velco closure and that velcro is to loud for "tactical" situations. Ok ninja. The velcro is quieter than your big slow ass. Regardless... are you buying a tool or a costume? I need a tool.. and the velcro works just fine. The dead elk you skin doesn't care how loud your velcro is. I promise.
So... is this the knife for your bugout bag? Well it sure as hell isn't in mine. I use it way to much to keep it stowed. When it comes time to bug out... it will be on belt.
I don't know how you sharpen your knives but a quality job on quality steel will preform the way you described. The only way to do it better would be to deburr the blade after sharpening. Otherwise what is happening is the burr you raised when sharpening is cutting slightly better until usage wears it off.
Maybe you do deburr but most guys don't, at least not on hunting knives.
I don't debur. But I am meticulous when I sharpen it. I find this knife (and this is typical of Aus8) takes a scary sharp edge very very quickly. and I have never felt the need to have that 100% that goes away when you can still shave with it at 95%... and it holds that edge for so long.
I'm just jazzed that automatic knives are now legal in Texas.
I don't have to leave my Benchmade Infidel at my parent's house anymore.
You have any Randall knives?
How about Bertram, (Hen and Rooster)?
I mention these not because I particularly love them but anybody that likes knives needs at least a few Randalls and Bertrams.
I don't collect by maker. In fact I don't consider myself a knife collector at all. I don't want to own so many that I forget I even have some of them.
I mostly collect uniqueness. I'm interested in opening and locking mechanisms, blade and handle design and material.
Just a question. Why don't you own two of these sweet babies? Your belt one, and one stowed in your bag?
That way disaster doesn't strike if you lose one, or you have one handy for one of your family members should the need so arise.
heheeh. oh susan... you should SEE what's in the bag...
I don't own any of either. I'm not big on on the "old school" look or style. Unless its a khukri.
Well yeah, that goes without saying. But when it comes to favorite tools that are like your right arm, it doesn't hurt to have duplicates of your classics.
That discussion of the classics is one of my favorites on the Expendables 2 sequel.
chuck norris makes that movie...
Mora Classic #1 re-handled in antler is my most used knife. Nothing special, but it gets the job done. But I do have my eye on a Bark River Bravo 1 LT.
"Nate said...
I don't own any of either. I'm not big on on the "old school" look or style. Unless its a khukri.
8:22 AM
Sounds like you probably own several knives from CRKT. Good knives for low prices. I know I've got several.
I just remembered I do own something from SOG.
I found it in a camping supply store. It freaked me out to see it there actually. I don't think they knew what they had.
Somehow my comment got eaten. I had said that I don't like serrations on the main edge.
Can you resharpen serrations easily? If you could, that would possibly change my view.
Chuck Norris and the destruction of the airport. I always find it amusing to watch two large males riding in that kiddie car, careening through the lobby.
I may have to go watch this movie for the second time this week.
For the record, I also like and own both of the Red movies. Willis and Malcovitch are both great.
Chuck Norris and the destruction of the airport. I always find it amusing to watch two large males riding in that kiddie car, careening through the lobby.
I may have to go watch this movie for the second time this week.
For the record, I also like and own both of the Red movies. Willis and Malcovitch are both great.
Giraffe.. there is no easy way to sharpen serrations. you can file grinding wheels down to fit. that's all i know to do.
I'm kinda simple, i like Buck knives. Always liked Buck knives since i was a kid, seeing them in a display case at a local hardware store, and at the sporting goods section of K-mart. Besides, "buck knife" sounds like the kinda knife you would buy and use the rest of your days.
I bought one recently to replace my old K-bar as an all-round camping/utility knife. I couldn't be happier. I have knives with better steel (hand-made custom that was a gift, skinning knives, etc.), but this knife is far and away a better all-round choice. It will cut saplings, skin a deer, cut line, and chop kindling if needed. As for serration sharpening, a rat tail file will work and you can get them in different sizes and fineness to fit the size of your serrations. You won't get the fine edge you will with a stone, but you don't need that on the serrations anyway.
But Stil! don't you worry about the velco in tactical situations? It will blow your OPSEC!!!
I thought the point of planning for tactical situations was to make sure you bring enough ammo for your primary and back up weapon, and can clear them quickly if they jam or malfunction...not that i am a tactical ninja or fit to fit side by side with the Spartans or ride with Bedford Forrest
I like this knife.
May end up w/one tonight on ebay...
A: Mad Hatter IPA
T: Drew Estate Liga Undercrown
F: Kel-Tec Sub 2000 9mm 32rd Beretta magazine
Mine came with a kydex sheath with a fairly heavy duty and loud snap fastener, so I suppose i can't be a mall ninja, but my pocket knife and nail clippers are really quiet...
Ayup. $98.51 shipped.
Dang it, Nate - that's 2 knives you've talked me into now...
I have a SOG multi-tool I use at work. Love it. And on sale at Lowe's occasionally for 50 bucks.
Show tonight?
show's dead until I find a blogtalk replacement... ATF post coming though
MOLLE capable sheath with a quality knife for under 100.00? Sold. I've got a spot on my SOE Frog Rig for it that will fit perfectly.
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