Friday, February 18, 2005

The Ubiquitous Friday Night Drinkin' Post

What? You thought I forgot? No Faith!

I write today from the glorious state of Georgia, surrounded by fine women, corona, and fresh mostly raw meat... right of the grill. We've got Jacob's Creek Merlot... 2002 I believe... Wild Turkey Russell's Reserve... a weimereiner, a german shepard... and King George himself in the background...

All is right with the world.

Jeb rode his first roller coaster today... and I got to take him on a go-cart ride too! Ya never heard such cacklin'! The boy takes after his daddy... that's a fact.

well... hell y'all... I've girls to flirt with... a corncob pipe to smoke... filet to eat... wine, bourbon, and beer... It's my sincerest hope that y'all are havin' half as good time as I am... as I know you'll be thrilled... and hell... it'll leave me somethin' to gloat about!

God Bless ya!

Standard Friday Postin' Rules Apply

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